sugar skulls

sugar skulls

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Painting for Mexico

My large suitcase is nearly packed for my January trip to Mexico.  It is almost completely filled with presents to take to Alejandro's family.  We will celebrate the Day of the Kings... Epiphany, the traditional day for gift-giving... a few days late.  

I still have to make a batch of fudge to take down there, and yesterday I completed a painting which will be a gift for Alejandro's sister, Sandra.  (As far as I know, she does not look at my blog, so I can post a photo of the painting here.)

My painting is now pretty much limited to my annual Christmas card.  However, Sandra loves butterflies, and I had been thinking about painting her a picture of a monarch butterfly for some time.  I found an unpainted, oval canvas with my art supplies, and on Sunday, after returning from Columbus, I began work on it.  Yesterday was a gray, dark day, and I devoted the entire afternoon to the painting.  I was able to complete it.  The canvas stretches around the sides over the framework.  I painted the sides so that the painting does not require framing.  All I have to do is attach a wire on the back for hanging it.  

The fourth Magi King, the one from Ohio, will soon be hauling a bag full of gifts down to Mexico! 

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