Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Last Saturday, in the early evening, I went to Lakewood, a Cleveland suburb located about a half hour from where I live.

My destination was Lakewood Park, the largest and most attractive of that city's parks.  It is located along the shore of Lake Erie, and the promenade along the lake offers beautiful views.  People who don't live in this part of the country often don't realize how big the Great Lakes, the world's largest bodies of fresh water, are.  When my cousins from England visited me some years ago, they kept referring to Lake Erie as "the sea".  About fifty miles away, on the other side of the lake, is Canada.

At one end of the park, there is a view to the east of downtown Cleveland.

At the other end of the park rising above the lake is a curving series of terraced steps called the Solstice Steps.  

It is one of the best places in the area to watch the sun set over Lake Erie.  And that is just what I did...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. There were just enough clouds in the sky to make it an interesting sunset.
