sugar skulls

sugar skulls

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

At Long Last

 You may remember that earlier this year, I had hired a landscaping company to redo my front yard.  They removed the rotten landscape timbers and the path of pavers that ran across the front of my house.  One of their workers from Mexico, Raymundo, did meticulous work putting in a faux stone border where the old timbers were, and he laid a new walkway of pavers.  I was extremely happy with his work. 

They also tore up my lawn (which was in terrible shape) in preparation for laying down sod.  This project began in May.  Although Raymundo completed the border and walkway, I went through the entire summer without a lawn in front of my house.  Well, it wasn't all bare dirt.  In some areas large patches of crabgrass and other assorted weeds appeared.  Like so many contractors, they had taken on too many jobs and had too few workers.  

When I returned from Mexico in September, I still had no lawn after more than four months.  I was running short on patience, and left a couple of irritated messages.  "I want a lawn!!!"  If I had not paid a hefty deposit for the materials, I would have probably told them to forget it, and I would have hired someone else.  Of course I might have very well encountered the same snail's pace with a another landscaper.

Finally on Monday, hallelujah, the workers arrived.  Of course they had to prepare the soil all over again.  Yesterday afternoon they returned with a truckload of sod, and laid down about two thirds of the lawn.

Today they returned and laid the last of the sod.  It looks a bit like a patchwork quilt until it becomes established, but I now have the greenest lawn on the street.  

At long last I have a lawn!

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