Thursday, September 2, 2021

New at the Supermarket

"Pan de muerto" (bread of the dead) is the traditional sweet bread that is served for the Day of the Dead on November 2nd.  Although we still have two months to go, many of the supermarkets are already selling "pan de muerto".   The other day when I was at the neighborhood Superama I saw something that really made me laugh...

I doubt that you will find it in the United States, but Kellogg's has a new "pan de muerto" breakfast cereal.

As with so many kids' cereals, this is loaded with sugar.  The Secretariat of Health in Mexico puts warnings on all packaged foods that they deem unhealthy.  This cereal has excessive calories and excessive sugars.

 Of course it's sort of difficult to put labels on bread fresh out of the oven at the bakeries, but I am sure that genuine "pan de muerto" has excessive calories and sugars too.
That won't stop me from buying the real thing when I am down here for Day of the Dead!


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