Thursday, March 12, 2020


Now that there are five confirmed cases of corona virus here in Ohio, things are getting a bit crazy.  This morning I went to my nearby supermarket to pick up a few items.  I have never seen such long lines, nor have I seen so many people with their carts filled to capacity.  

Of course there is no hand sanitizer to be found at any of the stores.  On this trip I didn't even see any ordinary bar soap.  They had fancy, expensive bar soaps, and liquid soap, but no Ivory, Zest, Irish Spring, Dial, or any of the common brands.  Any sort of disinfectant was limited to two per customer... the same for rubbing alcohol and toilet paper.  Fortunately I made a trip to Sam's Club a couple weeks ago and bought a 32 roll package of toilet paper (that was before the run on TP), and I still have a dozen bars of Dial from an earlier trip to Sam's.  I did succumb at bit to the shopping frenzy and bought a few more canned goods and non-perishable items than I had planned on.

Later in the day I went to the recreation center for my daily workout.  As long as they don't run out of disinfectant spray for the exercise machines, I will have no qualms about going there.  There were very few people, and the place was eerily quiet.

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