Saturday, March 14, 2020

A New Recipe

I stumbled upon a recipe video on YouTube which sounded good and which I tried out yesterday.  Here is the link if you want to watch the video for making CREAMY AVOCADO TUNA SALAD.  This recipe is healthier than regular tuna salad because, instead of using mayonnaise, a ripe avocado is smashed and incorporated into the mixture.

The chef (who is also a dietician) gave some interesting nutritional information which I did not know.  She said that when you buy cans of tuna, you should always buy the chunk light tuna rather than the white albacore tuna.  Although albacore is more expensive, it is also a fish that lives longer.  Thus there is more mercury in its flesh than the other varieties of tuna which have shorter lives.

Also she said that cilantro is an excellent herb which clears toxins such as heavy metals out of the bloodstream.  Some people don't like cilantro, but I do.  However, I rarely buy it.  It's one of those things where the bunches they sell in the supermarket are too big for the small amount that you need, and it rots before you use it all.  However, I went ahead and bought a bunch the other day when I was shopping for the ingredients. 

Here is what the finished product looked like.  I admit that it doesn't look especially appetizing.

I tasted it, and it was just OK.  So I added an additional heavy squirt of Dijon mustard and a good sprinkling of hot paprika and mixed it in.  That gave it the extra oomph to make it tastier.  With that little addition it is something that I would make again.

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