Saturday, March 7, 2020

Hopping Toward Easter

I always go to Mexico in April.  I am there for Alejandro's birthday, and I am often there for Easter, depending on where it falls in the calendar.  Before I left Mexico the last time, I asked Alejandro's nine year old nephew, Ezra, if he wanted to have another Easter egg hunt.  I wasn't sure if he was getting too old for that sort of thing, but without hesitation he enthusiastically answered "¡¡¡Sí!!!"

Even though I don't leave for another month, I have already purchased everything for the egg hunt.  I bought a bag of plastic eggs and wrapped candies to fill them.  When I was in a local store, I could not resist buying this item...

What looks like the bottom half of the Easter Bunny is actually a bag in which he can gather his Easter eggs!

Unlike Christmas, Easter in Mexico has been relatively untouched by influences from the U.S.  The idea of the Easter Bunny, Easter eggs and egg hunts was completely new to Ezra before I started coming down for the holiday.  I guess I must plead guilty of "gringofying" Easter for the family.


  1. Ahh, yes, that little bunny bag is adorable! Easter has always been a BIG time for celebration and tradition with my family. When my children were growing up, we would always rent a beach house in Galveston and spend a week there. Then later on as the grandkids came along, the same tradition was continued. Dyeing eggs, baking a bunny cake etc is still continued even now in Mexico, but is extremely more difficult. There are no candies or chocolate covered eggs or things like that for Mati and Seb.

    But, I have learned to ask people coming down to be surrogate Easter bunnies and to bring various things for their baskets. Yes, they are 10 and 12 now, but heck, I did this for my kids until they left for college.
    Traditions, to me, are so darn important and they have been carried on by my kids for their kids!

    You're never too old to be young again!

    Enjoy your time in Mexico!

    1. Thanks, Barbara.
      Alejandro thinks that Walmart down in Mexico might possibly sell the traditional "gringo" Easter stuff. They certainly had plenty of Halloween decorations for sale last fall.
