Friday, March 20, 2020


If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I take three or four trips to Mexico City each year, and that I spend four or five months down there.  Even though I returned home just a month ago, I was scheduled to return in April.  About a week ago, I wrote on this blog that, although I had some concerns, I was far from the point where I was planning to cancel my trip.  

Events have changed dramatically in that week.  Here in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where I live, we have gone from three confirmed cases to fifty three.  Schools, restaurants and bars have been closed in the entire state, and all large gatherings are prohibited.  I am in semi-isolation, leaving the house only when necessary.  

In the entire nation of Mexico there were only eight confirmed cases a week ago, and four of those had already recovered.  Now there are 113 active cases, and the country has recorded its first death.  Tomorrow all schools will be closed, and the Secretary of Health said that by the end of the month the virus will be an epidemic.  

Several days ago I had sadly resigned myself to the fact that the trip was not going to happen.  Finally, last night I went to the United Airlines website to cancel my flight.  I had already been notified by United that my itinerary had been changed.  You may remember that I was supposed to fly from Cleveland to Newark, but I suspected that the flight would be cancelled since there were only eleven seats booked on a large 737 jet.  They switched me instead to a flight to Houston.  But it didn't matter.  I cancelled my reservation.  Actually I should say that I changed my reservation.  Without any penalty I was able switch the April trip for reservations for my usual visit in October / November, and I still have my tickets for my trip in August.  (I certainly hope that this crisis has abated by then!  If not I will probably be ready for the looney bin!)

I am feeling quite depressed, but I suppose that is a feeling I share with much of the planet's population right now.  I had already packed my carry-on, filled with gifts to take to my friends in Mexico, including everything needed for an Easter egg hunt for Alejandro's nephew.

Well, my "Mexican family" will have to wait for their gifts, and I suppose we can have an Easter egg hunt even if it's not Easter.


  1. I'm so sorry Bill. I know you were so looking forward to being in CDMX and time with Alejandro and his family. I have the Easter stuff here for Mati and Seb, but we are all in self-isolation and I hope by Easter time, I will be able to be with them to bake our Bunny cake and dye eggs. They only live a block away but have not seen them in 10 days. Stay safe my friend. I do believe in the next day or so, the Mexican border will be closed and no planes will be entering the country! We'll see.

    1. Thanks, Barbara. I fear that by Easter things will be much worse both in Ohio and in Mexico. But whenever things get better you should celebrate a late Easter with the bunny cake and the dyed eggs and everything!
      Stay healthy!

  2. Sorry about your trip plans, but that probably was best-the news this morning is the Southern border is being closed except for trade and essential items and I wouldn't doubt trump closes most International travel soon.

    1. Thanks, Chuck.
      I just talked to my friend in Mexico City, and the gravity of the situation is sinking in, as well as anger over the government's incompetence in handling the crisis.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this, but given how much things escalated in the past week, I was wondering if you were going to have to cancel your trip. I hope you stay healthy and that you can make your August trip as planned.

    1. Thanks Meredith. I am quite concerned about Alejandro and his family. His sister works in a hospital where there is a confirmed case of the virus. She works in the human resources department so she doesn't have contact with patients, but she is in contact with doctors and nurses. Alejandro is now working from home on his computer.

      I assume that you made it home from Califronia before the state shut down. How is your sister doing?
      How is Chuck doing?
      Stay healthy!

    2. Megan is great, and Chuck is doing well.

      We got home Wednesday, and the flight home through LAX was nerve-wracking. (The airport was eerily quiet and you never know who might be sick but asymptomatic, you know?) Chuck and I are keeping an eye on our health for the next couple of weeks now that we're home....My sister and I are both out of work now (we both have jobs in the fitness industry), and our spouses are both working from home, so it's easy for us to stay away from other people.

      We have July plans to visit family in Hawaii and we hope things will have calmed down by then, but we're not holding our breath. One of my sisters-in-law also just had a baby on March 12, and we're not sure when we'll be able to meet the little one in person, which is kinda of sad. (Originally we thought we'd fly out soon after the baby was born.)

      But I'm trying to be optimistic and use this time for catching up on things and self-improvement, so I hope you can find ways to stay sane too. (I enjoyed reading about your long walk!)

      I hope we're all able to stay safe and travel again soon!

    3. Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I hope that your parents are staying inside as much as possible too.
