Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Three Kings

Monday is Epiphany, or "Día de los Reyes Magos" (Day of the Magi Kings) in the Spanish-speaking world, the day when according to tradition, the three Kings brought gifts to the baby Jesus.  Although some lucky children in Mexico also receive a present from Santa Claus on Christmas morning, January 6th is the day when most children receive their gifts.  

Alejandro's nephew, Ezra, went with his mom to a shopping mall yesterday.  Just as in the U.S. children go to the mall to see Santa, in Mexico they go to visit the three Kings.

Ezra also finally wrote his letter to the Kings... so now his mom must battle the last minute shopping crowds to buy his gift.

Of course he doesn't know that "Gringo Santa" will fly through the air to Mexico on January 7th with a suitcase full of presents for the whole family!

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