Wednesday, January 15, 2020


On Sunday evening I went back to Alejandro´s house to spend a couple nights.  On Monday I did some cooking.  I prepared "chilaquiles" which is one of the favorite dishes of Alejandro's nephew.  When Alejandro came home from work he was sick.  He went to the neighborhood doctor, and he gave Alejandro some medicines.  Fortunately, he didn't prescribe any antibiotics; Mexican doctors have a tendency to overprescribe antibiotics.

The next morning I woke up feeling not quite right.  I was extremely tired and a bit groggy.  Alejandro was still sick, and stayed home from work.  Rather than going back to my apartment, I stayed on to play nursemaid.  I fixed breakfast, and then I went to the supermarket and bought ingredients to make a big pot of chicken noodle soup.  

By evening, I still felt worn out, and I was very cold.  I took my temperature, and I had a slight fever.  Fortunately, after a good night's sleep I woke up feeling fine this morning.  I am thinking that Alejandro caught a flu bug, but since I had my flu shot last fall it didn't hit me very hard.

Alejandro is still not feeling good, and is back in bed.  I might stay on here at the house for another day. 

UPDATE:  I fixed breakfast for Alejandro, his father and myself.  Alejandro said that he was feeling much better, and decided to go to work.  He dropped me off at a Metrobus stop so that I could return back to the apartment. 

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