Thursday, January 9, 2020

Chilly Mexico

Early morning from the roof of Alejandro's house.
Due to mist (or smog) the volcanoes were not visible, but it was a colorful sunrise.

Whenever I tell people up north that I am spending a large chunk of the winter in Mexico, they always say how lucky I am to escape the Ohio winter.  Well, I won't experience any snow or a "polar vortex", and, yes, I will probably be able to walk around in shirt sleeves many afternoons.  But, no, I will not experience the kind of tropical weather that most "gringos" associate with Mexico.

In spite of its location south of the Tropic of Cancer, Mexico City's high altitude puts a chill on the winter climate here.  Yesterday a cold warning was issued here with pre-dawn temperatures expected to descend into the 30s (Fahrenheit).  Children headed to school in the morning were, as the lyrics of "The Christmas Song" say, "dressed up like Eskimos".  You also have to remember that most homes here do not do have central heating.  Even though by mid-afternoon the temperature made it up to 70, Alejandro's house remained chilly, and I was wearing a warm sweater most of the day.  

The nighttime lows will probably remain in the 40s F throughout the month, but Friday's high is forecast to be a delightful 76 degrees.  So I will happily trade January in Ohio for some chilly nights and mornings in Mexico City, and I certainly don't expect any northerners to feel sorry for me.

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