sugar skulls

sugar skulls

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Where Is Home?



Those of you who regularly read my blog know that 2017 was almost evenly split between my home outside of Cleveland and Mexico.  I am now renting an apartment in Mexico City, and I am spending almost every other month down there.  Some people have asked me if it wouldn't be easier to simply spend six months in one place and six months in the other instead of constantly flying back and forth.  However there is always something that requires my presence in Ohio... filing income taxes, yard and garden work, family celebrations, etc., etc.  In less than two weeks I will return to Mexico.  This time I will spend six weeks down there, and I will miss a large chunk of the winter.

I was born and raised in Ohio, and I have lived in the same house since I was three years old.  My roots are most definitely here, and the thought of pulling up stakes and simply moving permanently to Mexico seems a daunting and terrifying task.  But yet, as I think about returning to the apartment in Mexico City, I catch myself thinking as if I will be returning home.  I am looking forward to the familiar places and the routines that I have established down there.  Perhaps the blast of winter weather here in Ohio simply has me longing for the sunshine and spring-like temperatures of Mexico City.  But I have to ask myself, just where is home for me???


  1. How to answer this question? I often ask myself this very question. I read a blog
    such as yours and think it will help me do that. Where is home. Is it simply a

    1. An answer to the question is very difficult. It is complexly tied to emotions, memories and loved ones. At the moment I am torn between the two places... but I doubt that I would completely pull up stakes and sell the house.

  2. So you are living the perfect solution!

  3. I say winter in Mexico City and summer in Ohio!

    1. No, in addition to the reason given above, I don't want to go 6 months without being in Mexico. I will be escaping a major portion of the winter in Ohio, since I will be spending 6 weeks rather than one month down there on this trip.
