Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Weekend in Chicago

Each year in early December I take a short trip to Chicago to visit friends and to attend their annual Christmas party.

I left on Friday morning and, surprisingly, the flight was not very crowded.  I had the entire group of three seats to myself.  So I scooted over to the window seat before we began our descent, and I got some pictures of downtown Chicago.

The weather was chilly but sunny.  On Friday evening I treated my friends to dinner at their favorite Mexican restaurant located just a few blocks from their condo.  "Las Mañanitas is a cut above most "Mexican" restaurants in the U.S. (usually more "Tex-Mex" than authentically Mexican).  I had a very good dinner of potato enchiladas.

When we left the restaurant it had begun to snow.  By the next morning there was a light blanket of white on the ground.

In Cleveland there had been a light snowfall in November, but I was still in Mexico at that time.  So this was my first snow of the season.

The party on Saturday night was very nice.  It ended earlier than in previous years... perhaps an indication that we are all getting older!

I returned home on Monday evening.  By that time, the white stuff had melted.  However, shortly before boarding the plane back to Cleveland, it began to snow once again.  We sat in the plane for at least an hour while awaiting our turn for the plane to be de-iced. 

I finally arrived in Cleveland, later than scheduled.  There was no snow, but this morning I awoke to a wintry scene.  There isn't enough snow to bother with the snow blower... at least not yet.

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