Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sleepless in Mexico City

Last night at about 10 P.M. the "powers-that-be" decided that my street needed to be torn up and repaved (even though there are countless streets in the city that are in much greater need of repaving).  Heavy equipment rumbled down the narrow street.  There was a brief period of quiet, but then at 1 A.M. the sound of jackhammers reverberated down the canyon of apartment buildings. 

I love Mexico, but at times like that I want to scream.  I can imagine that north of the border there would be hell to pay if a city decided to do a construction project on a residential street in the wee hours of the morning.

The upside was that, when I woke up this morning, I looked out the window  and saw that the repaving was already complete.

Thank goodness I don't have another night of construction noise to look forward to.  Still, I would take great delight if the bureaucrat who sent in the jackhammers at 1 A.M. were condemned to a month of sleepless nights of infernal racket.


  1. Wow. I'm sure it's hard to know whether to be mad or impressed.

    1. Or maybe not so impressive. When I went out today I realized that they had paved one half of a block. As I write this I can hear the jackhammers down the street. Hopefully we will not be treated to another symphony of noise tonight.

  2. Whole sections of road were torn up in and around the Zona Rosa when I was down there last time. Locals in the area said the streets had been that way for months, without any reason given and wreaking havoc on one's ability to find a parking spot.

    1. The Zona Rosa is still a mess. Londres is all torn up and now they are starting on Genova. I don't know how the businesses are surviving. Alejandro told me that "Casa de Toño" has closed its doors until the construction is finished.

  3. No one goes to Mexico City for peace and quite, amigo! If it's not roadworks then its fireworks, or mariachis, or drunks who decide to sing at the top of their voices, or domestics, or...its an endless list!

    1. I know, I know. But jackhammers at 1 AM was a bit much. Even my chilango friend Alejandro found that unacceptable.
