Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Sad Trip to the Museum

Mexico City is one of the great cities in the world when it comes to art.  People think first of places like Paris or New York, but Mexico City certainly rivals them.  I have already been to two important art exhibits on this trip, and on Thursday I went to a third.  Currently the National Museum of Art is running a show entitled “Melancolía”.  Sounds like a depressing exhibit, but it was an excuse (as if I need any) to revisit one of my favorite museums in the city.

The National Museum of Art is housed in "over-the-top" former Palace of Communications. This lavish structure was built in the early 20th century during the waning days of the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz.

The special exhibit consisted of 130 works of Mexican art, ranging from the colonial era to the 20th century, which portray sadness, grief, suffering, and preoccupation with death. 

There were several canvasses by the Baroque, 17th century painter Cristóbal de Villalpando, whose works are currently also on display at the Palace of Iturbide.

Most of the painters were unknown to me.

"Woman Crying" by the famous 20th century muralist David Siqueiros

After all the melancholy, I was ready to spend some time with my favorite landscape painter,
José María Velasco.  The museum contains the world's largest collection of paintings by this 19th century artist.

The realism and luminosity of his canvasses are such that I feel as if I could step into his paintings. I never tire of seeing his works.


  1. Getting any painting done yourself?

    1. Unfortunately, my painting these days is limited to just two per year... one for my annual Christmas card, and a large canvas to donate to a charity auction.
