Tuesday, April 11, 2017

¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Monday was Alejandro's birthday, but we celebrated it all weekend.  There was dinner at El Cardenal and a performance of "The Man of La Mancha" on Saturday.  On Sunday we were at his parents' house, where we had cake, the singing of “Las Mañanitas”, and the "mordida".  (The birthday-boy has to take a bite out of the cake.  Actually he has his face pushed into the cake!  If that seems unsanitary, don't worry.  The portion where his face landed is the birthday-boy's slice.)

Alejandro and his cake... before the "mordida"


  1. I know it's a time-honored tradition in Mexico, but I really don't see the fun in pushing someone's face into a birthday cake. It's not particularly amusing to watch. It ruins the aesthetics of the cake, and it surely isn't fun for the birthday boy. Fortunately the time that F threw me a birthday party, no head-pushing was involved.

    Wish him a belated happy birthday from me.


    Kim G
    Redding, CA
    Where we've begun to dread birthdays for other reasons.

    1. For the first time I will be in Mexico City for my birthday this summer, and I fully expect to be put through the entire ritual, including the "mordida".

  2. I'll listened to Alejandro Fernandez sing La Mananitas in Aleckz's honor!

    1. And come August, for the first time I will have "Las Mananitas" sung to me!
