

Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Bit of Irreverant Humor

In order to discourage proselytizers from other faiths, some Mexican families will post a sign at their door saying "Este hogar es católico" (This home is Catholic).  It goes on to say that they do not accept propaganda from Protestants or other sects.

(image from the web)

The slightly sacrilegious picture below is a parody of that sign and was sent to me by Alejandro. 

(image from the web)

It says "This home is tacoholic.  We do not accept propaganda from McDonald's, etc."  Instead of the heart of Jesus, which you sometimes see on this kind of sign, it shows a rotisserie ("trompo") with the chunk of meat that is used to make "tacos al pastor". 

I then found another parody which says, " In this home Huitzilopochtli (the main god of the Aztecs) is worshipped."  It goes on to say that if you do not want your heart to be offered as a sacrifice, refrain from knocking on this door.

(image from the web)


  1. Those little signs are hysterical! I'm torn between which is funnier, the "Tacólico" or Huitzilopotchli and the sacrifice. Maybe a cross, where the visitor is threatened with first being made into tacos and then sacrificed?


    Kim G
    Redding, CA
    Where the sheer expanse of the suburban sprawl discourages much proselytizing. If only we had such natural defenses in Boston!

    1. I think the "tacoholic" one is funnier, but the "Huitzilopochtli" one definitely would give a proselytizer pause!

  2. Since I live in Colonia Azteca the latter sign would be best for me. After all I live on the two intersecting streets named for the first and last Aztecan gods..........

    1. OH my! I hope you don't have a sacrificial altar tucked away in that beautiful garden of yours! LOL
