Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Auction Painting

I wrote a while ago that I had begun a painting to donate to the spring charity auction for "Los Amigos".  I finished it yesterday, and, although this photo does not do it justice, here it is...

The painting is based on a picture which appeared on the blog "An Alaskan in Yucatan".  Author Marc Olson purchased this abandoned "rancho" in the countryside outside of Mérida a couple years ago, and is in the process of making it habitable again.

Marc, if you read this, I would appreciate your comment.  It is not an exact duplicate, stone by stone, tree by tree, of your photograph ("artistic license", you know), but I hope it captures something of the atmosphere of your place.


  1. Oh my, I LOVE it! You are SO talented....

  2. It's wonderful, Bill. The photo was taken when things were pretty dry, but you have captured it much as it looks during the lushness of the rainy season. I was looking for the date of the auction. I guess there is no way for me to bid long distance. I'd love to have this painting!

  3. I neglected to add that as an Amigos de las Americas veteran (Colombia '73, Nicaragua '74) I am excited and honored that my image of Rancho San Benito will in a small way benefit Amigos programs. I am really only here in Mexico living my dream on the ranch due to the seed planted by my participation in Amigos almost 45 years ago.

    1. I am so glad that you like the painting, Marc
      "Amigos" is a great organization. I was not a volunteer as a high school student... in fact I had never heard of it until well into my teaching career. But I am now very happy to support the Ohio chapter with my donations to their annual auction.
