Monday, February 20, 2017

Adding to the Collection

I have written before that I have a video program on my computer, and that for the past five years I have been creating DVDs of my travels.  I organize my best pictures and videos and make a slide show complete with background music.  I now have a collection of 38 discs.

However, in the last year I have been rather remiss in keeping up with my travel pictures.  This month I have been remedying that.   

First I made a disc of the trip to Mérida that I took with my cousin and her husband in this past January.  I made an extra copy to give to them, and last week we got together for the premiere screening of "Our Yucatan Adventure".  They loved the DVD, and hope to return to Mexico sometime with me.

Going farther back, I still had not organized the pictures from the trips that I took to Mexico City last April and again in October / November.  I did not have a lot of photos from April, so I combined the two trips onto one disc.  This past weekend I went down to Columbus to visit family, and I showed that DVD to my sister-in-law, Phyllis.  We have traveled together to Yucatan and to Spain and France.  She wants to come visit me in the new apartment that I will be renting in Mexico City.  After seeing all the pictures of the Day of the Dead decorations there, she is giving serious thought to taking a trip in late October.

I still have to organize my photos from my time in Mexico City in January.  That will be my next project! 

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