Monday, November 10, 2014

Meeting the Author of "Babsblog"

This weekend Alejandro and I took a road trip to the historic, colonial city of San Miguel de Allende, located about three hours to the northwest of the capital.  The purpose of our excursion was not just to see another one of Mexico's many picturesque towns, but to meet another fellow blogger, Barbara, the author of "Babsblog".  Barbara and I have been visiting each others blogs and leaving comments for a number of months.  Barbara is an ex-pat from Texas who traveled frequently to Mexico and chose to settle in San Miguel when she retired.

When Barbara read that I was taking another trip to Mexico this November, she suggested that we get together... that she could come to Mexico City or that I could come to San Miguel.  It had been many, many years (more than forty) since I had been in San Miguel, so I told her that I would come there.  I asked my friend Alejandro if he would like to join me, and he said yes.  So I made reservations at a hotel for us, and bright and early Saturday morning we set out in Alejandro's car for San Miguel de Allende.

We arrived at our hotel around 10:30, called Barbara, and made plans to meet on San Miguel's town square at noon.  That gave us some time to explore the town a bit before meeting up.  Barbara and I recognized each other from photos on our respective blogs.  We went to a nearby restaurant and had a leisurely lunch.  From her blog, I expected Barbara to be a kind, charming, intelligent lady, and I certainly was not disappointed.  It was a delight to chat with her!  I hope that we see each other again soon... either in San Miguel or in Mexico City... or if her travels take her to Cleveland, I would love to be her tour guide in my hometown!

(photo taken by our waiter)



  1. Gracias mi amigo! Indeed, I look forward to getting together again, somewhere, some day!
