Monday, February 17, 2020

Shopping for Ezra

Last Thursday I went downtown again, not to do any sightseeing, but to do some shopping.  Alejandro's nine year old nephew, Ezra, has seen all the Harry Potter movies, and now he wants to read the books (in Spanish of course).  His mom found a copy of the second of the novels, but not the first one.  I was sure that I had seen the Harry Potter series in the outdoor used book market in the narrow pedestrian street that runs beside the main post office.  So that was my primary destination.

I thought that I had seen the Harry Potter books at a stall of children's books at the beginning of the market.  But they weren't there.  I walked all the way down the narrow aisle and headed back.  Finally I spotted a stall with some of the series, and fortunately the first book was there.  It cost 120 pesos, about six dollars.  I gave it to Ezra this weekend when I was at the family's house, and his face lit up when he saw what I had for him.

There was something else that I wanted to do.  Earlier last week Ezra had asked me for my address.  He said that he was going to write me a letter.  (I suspect that he might have had a school assignment to write a letter to someone.)  I decided that I would surprise him and send him a postcard before I left Mexico City.

Finding a postcards for sale is not as easy as it used to be.  But I knew that there were vendors selling cards right outside the post office building.

I picked out a postcard of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán, which was appropriate since Ezra and his mom recently took an excursion there.

I then went inside the ornate post office... which I suspect is one of the most beautiful in the world.

I went to the stamp window.  The cost for sending a postcard within Mexico is nine pesos.

The postcard is ready to send.  Before I leave Mexico later this week, I will go downtown and send it to Ezra.  It will be interesting to see how long it takes for him to receive it, and how long it will be before I receive Ezra's letter.  


  1. Wow, that post office is gorgeous! They sure don't build 'em like that anymore.

    1. Yes, I just wish that the mail service were as efficient as the main post office is beautiful!
