Independence Day

Independence Day

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Busy Six Weeks

I am home from Mexico, but it will only be about six weeks before I return for my winter trip south of the border.  I will escape the Ohio winter for most of January and February.  

In the meantime those six weeks are going to fly by.  During my brief sojourn in the north I will make two trips to Columbus to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family.  There will also be a long weekend in Chicago when my friends there have their annual Christmas party.  In addition, there will be, I am sure, plenty of socializing with my friends here in the Cleveland area over the holiday season.

Fortunately, my Christmas cards are already written and ready to send out the day before Thanksgiving.  (I have established a reputation.  People expect my card to be the first one that they receive.)  As usual, the front of my card is a painting that I did based on a photo from my travels.  Last year I decided that it was too much bother printing the cards at home on my printer.  I took my painting to a professional printshop.  I was very satisfied with the results, and, when you consider the cost of printer ink, it was not that much more expensive.  I went back to the same shop this year, and I already had my cards months ago.  They were all made out before I left on this latest trip to Mexico.  As for the subject of my painting, that is always a guarded secret until the cards are sent out.  Sometime in December, I will share with you a picture of the painting.

The little bit of Christmas shopping that I have to do is finished also.  (Most of that was done on my trip to Europe this summer or on my last trip to Mexico.)  However, I do need to buy some gifts to take to Alejandro's family when I return to Mexico.  Gifts are traditionally given on the Day of the Three Kings or Epiphany (January 6th).  Since I go back on January 7th, they will receive my presents one day late.

Before you know it, the holiday season will have come and gone... and I will be packing my bags for yet another trip!

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