Saturday, August 24, 2019

Vienna! Wow!

I was tired after traipsing around Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens for several hours on Wednesday, not to mention taking subways and trams to get there and back.  I returned to my hotel to unwind.  I worked for a couple hours on the blog, but as evening approached, I thought, "I am in one of the world's most beautiful cities.  I shouldn't be sitting here in my room."  So I went across the street to the train station and hopped on Line 1 of the "U-Bahn" (subway).  In just three stops I was at "Stephansplatz" (Stephan's Plaza).  That's Stephan as in St. Stephen, the patron of the city's cathedral.  Within steps I was face to face with that magnificent Gothic structure.  The day had been overcast, but the clouds had finally broken, the tower reflected the light of the setting sun.

Visiting hours were over for tourists, but I was still able to step inside the cathedral.  My initial reaction to the interior was jaw dropping... more so than when I stepped into Notre Dame in Paris.

I then walked along the Graben, one of the pedestrian streets in the center of the city, and then toward the Hofburg, the winter palace of the Hapsburg emperors.  I found myself constantly taking pictures because the architecture at every turn was so stunning.

So here are a selection of photos to whet your appetite for more from this magnificent city!


  1. I visited St. Stephan's on my trip to Austria in 1995. I was mesmerized by the tile roof. It's so distinctive. Back then, we paid 20 schillings to climb the steps to the top of the church tower to get panoramic views of the city. Not too far from there as I remember is Ruprechtskirche, Vienna's oldest church that dates back to the year 740. It's not as spectacular looking from the outside, but I was impressed that a building more than a thousand years old was still standing. (Your visit made me pull out my old photo album! It was my first international trip, so I documented everything. Thank you for the memories!)

    1. I will have to look for Ruprechtskirche… I still have one unplanned day next week for wandering in the old town.
