Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Home with a View

Yesterday morning I was met at Zurich airport by my cousin Brigitta and her partner Peter.  They drove me to their home where I am spending my first two nights in Switzerland.  

Their house is located in Uster, a small city not too far from Zurich.  It is a beautiful home.

Their house is located on the very edge of Uster.  In one direction you can see the town.  Left of center in the photo is the tower of Uster's small "schloss" or castle, which today houses a school.

In every other direction, there are glorious views of the Swiss countryside, and on the horizon, the Alps!

Let's zoom in on those mountains...

What a magnificent place to begin my stay in Switzerland, enjoying the warm hospitality of Brigitta and Peter and beautiful Swiss vistas.


  1. How I wish I could have visited Brigitta and Peter at their home. Next time!

    1. Glad to hear that you want a return trip to Switzerland. After all, you have family there!
