Monday, August 19, 2019

Supper with a View

After our boat ride on Lake Hallwil, we drove to a restaurant called Eichburg (Oak Mountain) where cousin Werner had made reservations for 6:30 in the evening.  

The restaurant is located high above the lake and has a spectacular view.

Can you make out the faint outline of the snow-covered Alps in the background?

If you have been reading the blog, you already recognize most of these people.
Gail's husband Wes took this portrait of a quintet of cousins.
From left to right are yours truly, Brigitta, Gail, Werner, and a new addition to our group, Brigitta's daughter Annatina.

We had a table outside so that we could enjoy the view until nightfall.  The Swiss are all seated to the left and the Ohioans to the right.  By coincidence, the Ohioans all ordered the same entrée... chicken breast with mozzarella and tomatoes in a marsala sauce served with risotto and ratatouille.  It was superb.

Werner ordered dessert.  It was called a "Coup Denmark".  It is basically what we call a hot fudge sundae. 

It looked so good that I had to order one too.

(photo taken by Gail)

I know that I am going to be in trouble.  There is SOOOO much good food, and the trip has just begun!


  1. What is the name of that Danish ice cream dessert? I forgot.

    1. I misspelled it above. It should be "Coup Dänemark"
