Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Another Gig as "Tour Guide"

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know that I thoroughly enjoy playing the "tour guide" for friends and family members who travel with me.  You also know that this October I will be showing my friends Nancy and Fred around Mexico City, the first time that I have planned a tour there.

Well, now I have yet another gig as "tour guide".  In January I will once again be showing the sights in Mérida... this time to one of my former students and her husband.  Meredith was in my high school Spanish class many years ago, and she was an excellent student.  We have kept in touch, and she is a frequent reader of my blog.  She and her husband Chuck have done a lot of traveling, but they had never been to Mexico.  Meredith  mentioned that they should go down there sometime with me.  A few weeks ago, I asked them if they would like to go to Mérida, and they accepted my invitation.  They will be spending four days with me in the lovely capital city of the state of Yucatán.  I have reserved two rooms in my favorite hotel there, "Luz en Yucatán".  It is very popular place, and we were fortunate to get the last two rooms available for those dates!  

I have given the tour of Mérida eight times over the years, and it never gets boring for me.  Everyone who has gone with me to the Yucatán has loved Mérida, and I am sure that Meredith and Chuck will too.  


  1. Thank you for the very kind words. (I just hope my Spanish skills haven't deteriorated so much that you want to take back that "excellent student" comment. Hehehe!) Chuck and I are looking forward to this trip very much! We're glad you don't mind going there again as our tour guide. Thank you so much for the invitation!

    1. I'm looking forward to it too! I'm sure that your Spanish will come back quickly to you when you are down there.
      P.S. There will probably be something arriving in the mail for you tomorrow.
