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sugar skulls

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A Double Anniversary

photo taken from the web
The 1985 quake

Today marks a tragic double anniversary for Mexico City.  

At 7:17 A.M. on September 19th, 1985, the city was struck by an 8.0 earthquake. It was the worst disaster in Mexico City's history with at least 10,000 deaths (the exact death count will never be known), and 412 collapsed buildings.

Fast forward to 2017, the 32nd anniversary of the quake.  At 11:00 A.M. the city held its annual earthquake drill.  Just over two hours later, the real thing occurred... a 7.1 quake wreaked havoc in Mexico City and in the neighboring states of Morelos and Puebla.   More than 300 people died, the majority of them in the capital.

My friend Alejandro tells me that today will be marked with a moment of silence... and the annual drill.

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