Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Mini-Reunion

I have known my friend Gayle since kindergarten, and she still lives about five minutes away from me.  I introduced you to her on this blog quite a while ago when, during one of Alejandro's visits to Ohio, she joined us for dinner.  

Back when Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico I wrote about my high school friend Duffy who has lived for many years in San Juan where he was an immigration attorney.  He is recently retired, although he still goes to the office to help his colleagues with the transition to his departure from the firm.   His mom, Nadine, still lives in the area, so several times a year he comes back to Ohio.  Whenever he is up here we get together for a little reunion.

Earlier this week we went out to a new Italian restaurant that has opened practically around the corner from my house.

Duffy, his mom Nadine, and Gayle

The food is quite good, and we had a enjoyable time conversing and catching up on what is going on in our lives.

(Photo taken by our waitress)

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