Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Grandeur of Uxmal

About forty miles to the south of Mérida is one of the most important and impressive Mayan archaeological sites in Mexico... Uxmal.  More one thousand years ago it was the dominant city of this part of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Of course I had to take Frank there.  This was the eighth time that I have visited Uxmal, yet each time I thrill as I enter the site and see the lofty Pyramid of the Magician looming before me.

A corbelled arch leads into the quadrangle which the Spanish called the Nunnery.  Each of the four buildings which surround the courtyard are decorated with intricate stone mosaics.

The Palace of the Governor stretches for more than 300 feet, and is the longest building of any pre-Hispanic site in Mexico.  It too is adorned with incredible mosaics.

A climb to the top of the Great Pyramid provides a superb view of the ancient city.

 Frank was extremely impressed with Uxmal.  He found it amazing that the Maya, without the use of iron tools, were able to build this great city.  

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