Saturday, January 30, 2016

Not So Sunny (or Warm) Mexico

Many people do not realize that Mexico City does not have a tropical climate.  Its altitude of 7350 feet above sea level moderates the temperature considerably.

Winters can be a bit chilly, but, since it is also the dry season, the sunshine will usually bring the temperature up to the 70s by mid-afternoon.

The last couple days, however, we have hardly seen the sun at all.  It hasn't rained, but the skies have been overcast.  On Thursday the low was a very chilly 37 F, and the high was only 55 F.  (At higher elevations in the city the thermometer went below freezing, and according to the newspaper, a couple of homeless people were found dead from hypothermia.)  On Friday the high temperature was only 59 F.  Of course homes do not have central heating, so the apartment has been chilly too.

In addition to that, I have come down with a cold... so I have been spending a lot of time inside sitting under a blanket and reading.  On Friday I didn't even venture outside until Alejandro came by in the evening to go out for supper with me.

Yes, I'm sure that my readers who are suffering through real winter north of the border don't have a lot of sympathy.  The good news is that by Sunday, the sun will reappear, and the high temperatures will be back in the mid-seventies.


  1. Honestly, it's much warmer in my well-insulated, and centrally-heated house than it is here in my hotel. And when I asked if they had a space heater, they just looked at me like I had two heads!

    And of course absolutely *everyone,* everywhere I go is complaining about the cold. This is as cold as I've ever seen DF. Heck, had I known, I might have elected to stay home and shovel snow!


    Kim G
    DF, México
    Where at least the chill is keeping the mosquitos at bay.

    1. P.S. I've even considered retreating to warmer climes, say, Acapulco.

    2. The forecast for the coming week sounds more normal. If you need warmer temperatures, it's not necessary to go all the way to Acapulco. That trip to Taxco that you were talking about would do the trick.

  2. We have a bluebird day going here in Portage today, upper 40s for a high. The roads were iced up yesterday, the ground is frozen like a rock. I tried to move my hay wagon today, to do a repair on the barn but it was not going to move without risking ripping the tires off the thing. Tomorrow maybe,? They are calling for 50 or better.

    I'm not glad I stayed home this winter but I'm grateful for the mild winter. So far...

    1. I just hope that the weather in Ohio continues to be mild when I return home February 9th!
