Monday, November 16, 2015

Subjecting Myself to More Contemporary Art

I don't care if I am perceived as an unsophisticated rube, there is not a whole lot of contemporary art that I like, and quite a bit that I find downright ridiculous.  

That said, last week on one of my visits to Chapultepec Park, I decided that I would venture into the Rufino Tamayo Museum.  Rufino Tamayo was one of the most famous 20th century painters from Mexico.  He established a foundation for the creation of a museum of contemporary art, and it was opened in 1991, the year of his death.

If you come to the museum planning to view paintings by Tamayo, you will be disappointed.  There was only one Tamayo hanging there.

Instead the museum is intended as a space for temporary exhibits of contemporary art.  At the time that I visited there were three exhibits on display.  One was of sculptor whose works I frankly found laughable.  The second was of a German photographer, and I admit that many of his pictures were worth more than a passing glance.  The third exhibit was of the work of an American painter by the name of Leon Golub who died in 2004.  The principal theme of his work is oppression and violence.  Much of his work I found rather crude, but some of his larger canvasses were impressive.

The museum is rather small, and I was in and out of the place in about an hour.  It's not high on my list of places to see in Mexico City.

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