

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

José María Velasco

I guess I am revealing my "old-fashioned" taste in art, but my favorite Mexican painter is not any of the internationally known muralists of the twentieth century, but a nineteenth century landscape painter by the name of José María Velasco.  Velasco lived from 1840 until 1912, and was the most famous Mexican artist of his time.

(image from the web)

 Self portrait of Velasco

Velasco concentrated primarily in landscapes, particularly views of the Valley of Mexico (where Mexico City is located) and the two snow-capped volcanoes, Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl, which loom over the valley.

(images taken from the web)


 A few of his paintings of the Valley of Mexico

(image taken from the web)
 His painting of the ruins of Teotihuacan gives an interesting glimpse of what the archaeological site looked like before restoration.

I have mentioned previously that landscape painting is one of my hobbies, and that each year I donate a painting to the annual charity auction of the local chapter of Los Amigos de las Américas.  The auction is in early April, and it is time for me to get started on this year's painting.  I have chosen this work by Velasco as my subject matter...

(image taken from the web)

Although I do not pretend to have even a fraction of Velasco's talent, I hope that my painting turns out well and earns some money for my favorite charity.  It will be entitled "The Valley of Mexico - Tribute to José María Velasco".

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