Monday, May 13, 2019

Time to Say Good Bye

Another month (or actually five weeks) in Mexico City has flown by once again.  Tomorrow I fly home to Ohio.  I have been spending the day doing last minute chores... going to the bank to pay the water bill for the apartment, wrapping my breakable purchases in bubble wrap, packing up what I need to take home.  I will not be returning until October, and the owners of the condo may be coming down here in August, so I also wanted to get some of my stuff out of the way.

This evening Alejandro will pick me up on his way home from work.  I will spend my last night at his house since it is closer to the airport.

Spring is always the warmest season here, but this year has been especially hot.  Almost every day since I arrived here it has been in the 80s.  That may not seem exceptional, but for a city at an altitude of over 7000 feet above sea level it has been an unusual spring.  I think this might be the first time that I have never needed to wear a light jacket when I go out in the evening.  It has been short sleeve shirt weather all the way, any time of day.  There have been some nights when it has been uncomfortable warm in the apartment, and I have had to turn on the fan.  (Most homes in Mexico City do not have air conditioning.)

Although there has been some rain, the rainy season does not begin until mid-June.  Many plants are looking very stressed from the heat and lack of water.  Throughout the country there have been forest and brush fires.  Even within the boundaries of Mexico City there are fires on some of the mountains.  The air is very hazy... more than the usual air pollution.

So, soon I will be back up north where I am told there has been plenty of rain.  

I still have more to write about this trip, so be sure to come back and read more.


  1. What is the building in the picture above?

  2. Per Lonely Planet--Originally meant to be a legislative chamber, construction of the Monumento a la Revolución was interrupted by the Revolution, and there was talk of demolishing the building, but instead it was modified and given a new role. Unveiled in 1938, it contains the tombs of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary heroes Pancho Villa, Francisco Madero, Venustiano Carranza, Plutarco Elías Calles and Lázaro Cárdenas.
