Saturday, May 26, 2018

Heading Out Back

I have finished cleaning out the flower beds in the front, and I have now started with the beds behind the house.  I began with what I used to call the herb garden.

It used to be an island and contained mainly herbs.  But over the years it has grown and is now attached to the main perennial garden.  The only herbs there now are chives, oregano, lemon balm and mint.  (The last two are invasive, and each year I am ripping out large quantities.)  I used to have a lot of bee balm, but for some reason none of it came up this year (Notice the bare space in the lower right corner).  I will have to plant something in its place.  Perhaps some more daylilies... they seem to thrive anywhere.

The spiderworts are now in bloom.

They are also invasive and pop up in beds where I have never planted them.  They are pretty, but each year I dig out clumps that are taking over areas where I do not want them.

One clump has mutated into almost white flowers.  I wonder how that happened.

Farther back, the Siberian iris have begun to bloom.  

The honeysuckle vine is also blooming.  I planted it years ago because I wanted its beautiful fragrance.  Unfortunately, this particular variety has no scent at all.

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