Monday, April 23, 2018

Stroll Among Flowers

Is there a recurring theme to this trip?  The gardens along the Ecoducto... the blooming jacarandas... the museum exhibit on the importance of flowers in Mexican culture...

And now as I walk along the section of the Paseo de la Reforma which passes through Chapultepec Park there is the "Paseo Entre Flores" - the "Stroll Among Flowers". 

In the median strip of the Paseo de la Reforma in front of the Botanical Garden, archways with live flowers were placed over the pedestrian path.  They were there only through last weekend as a part of a flower festival at the Garden.

The arches were planted with live petunias in pots.

To either side of the path, there are seasonal plantings.  In the fall there are marigolds for the Day of Dead, and at Christmas they have poinsettias.  I am not sure what kind of flowers these are, but they are quite attractive.

In the park the ground is covered with a purple carpet where the jacaranda trees have dropped their blossoms.

Coming up next... MORE FLOWERS! at the Botanical Garden's Festival of Flowers and Gardens.

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