Sunday, April 29, 2018

Global Food Revisited

Last Wednesday after visiting the National Museum of Art, I walked over to the Plaza of Santo Domingo where the International Food Fair was still going strong with large lunchtime crowds.

I had been here the previous week, and I returned to sample the food from a few different booths.  I started with some couscous with vegetables from the Moroccan booth.

I continued on to the Haitian booth where I had a meat turnover.

From the Dominican Republic I had the "pastelón de papa", a ground beef and potato casserole.

From Bulgaria I had a red, stuffed pepper with a yogurt-garlic topping.

None of the dishes were all that great.  I guess my Polish ancestry from my father's side called me to Poland's booth where I had kielbasa and onion and a bun.  


  1. Hi William,

    Do you know if this is the same fair that used to occupy several blocks of Reforma leading up to El Angel?


    1. I don't know where the food section of the fair was located previously. I know that the FICA (Feria Internacional de Culturas Amigas) has been going on for 10 years, and that the main venue has been the Zocalo.
