Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Gardening Race

The one down-side to spending every other month in Mexico, is that when I am home in Ohio, I am going to have to play a frantic game of "catch-up" with everything that needs to be done up here... especially gardening and yard work.

Those of you who have regularly read my blog, know that I have large flower gardens.  Usually, it takes me from late April until the end of June to get my flower beds the way I want them.  I returned from Mexico in early May, and I will go back in early June.  That means that I now have less than one month to try to accomplish everything. When I got home, the weather was not cooperating.  The first three days it was constantly raining.  The  rain was great for my plants, but also for the weeds.  On Sunday the sun finally came out.  I have spent the last two days weeding, cleaning out and edging, but I have still not finished the flower beds in front of the house.  I do not intend to plant any annuals this year; I will just let the perennials do their thing.  Even so it is going to be a race to finish my gardening in time.

Here are a couple pictures what is already in bloom.

The columbines are especially pretty this year.  They reseed themselves, so each year there are more and more.

  The azaleas are also now blooming.

Well, it is time to get back to work!


  1. Finally, today, I got to go back and read all your posts for the last month! Imagine my surprise to see that you were in SMA, but we did not connect. I'm thrilled that you got to see the processions, but I'm so sad that we did not connect. That was a hectic time here while we concentrated on Easter as it is celebrated in the USA for the grandkids. Now, I'm all caught up on your travels and your gardening travails. The columbines are lovely. I've never lived anywhere where we had those flowers. I do have azaleas that bloom here in SMA, but not like they did profusely in Houston. Good to hear about flying Interjet to Chicago. I need to go visit relatives and my sister up there. Did you fly into O'Hare or Midway. Last time I checked Volaris had a $300USD r/t from CDMX to Midway and back.......How was Interjets fare?

    1. Hi Barbara,
      No, we were not in SMA for Easter. (I would have contacted you if we were going there!) Perhaps you are thinking of the photos I posted of the processions in Tlalpujahua the week after Easter.
      Interjet flies from O'Hare. That Volaris price is a very good one. The fare for Interjet on my next trip in June cost $488. I've heard some negative comments about Volaris... although for that price you should go for it. Interjet however does not charge for checked luggage, and I love the comfort of the flights.
