Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hasta la Vista

It is hard to believe that an entire month has passed, and that tomorrow I will return home to Ohio.  However I will only be gone for a month.  In June I will return here to the same apartment.  During my time in Ohio I will be very busy, attempting to accomplish two months of gardening and yard work in just one. 

Since I am allowed to keep my clothes here at the apartment, I do not have much packing to do.  Well, actually that is not true.  Knowing that I would have a nearly empty suitcase, I went wild buying gifts and souvenirs.  Yesterday Alejandro took me to Office Depot to buy some bubble wrap, and I just finished wrapping the more fragile items.  Fortunately nothing weighs that much, and I will not have to worry about going over the luggage weight limit.

Perhaps it is because of the yard work that is facing me, or perhaps I am truly becoming an ex-pat in my attitude, but, other than seeing my friends, I am not looking forward to returning home.

¡Hasta pronto, Ciudad de México!

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