Saturday, May 20, 2017

Making Progress

I have not written on the blog for several days because I have been very busy in the garden.  I have spent twelve days working between four and seven hours.  I have been painstakingly pulling out the weeds from between the perennials  There is still much to do, but I now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The shade garden beneath the walnut tree is finished.  The hostas and some of the other plants have been sprayed with deer repellent.  (No, deer, this is not going to be an all-you-can-eat salad bar!)

Today I completed the largest of the flower beds.

The Siberian iris have just begun to bloom.

And the earliest of the day lilies are now blooming.

The two tree azaleas in front of the house are especially beautiful this year.

I finally feel confident that I will finish all the flower beds before my departure for Mexico in June! 


  1. Gloriously beautiful! I had never seen hostas until I was in West Virginia. Wish I could grow them here - along with lilacs, peonies and a few others. I also miss day lilies.
    All that work has paid off. What a beautiful yard you have - front and back! Enjoy.

    1. Thank you, Barbara.
      Hostas are very common here. I'm surprised that you can't grow day lilies. Years ago I visited an hacienda near Xalapa and the garden was full of day lilies.

  2. Debe ser maravilloso levantarse temprano e ir a caminar, descalzo, a tu jardín, observar las gotas de rocío todavía sobre las plantas, oler la fragancia de las flores. Desayunar ahí sería una delicia.

    1. Gracias, Tino.
      I have to admit that I have not walked barefoot in the garden since I was a child. I have served breakfast a few times when I have had houseguests, and I have had several outdoor dinner parties. But there have been times when it has not been so pleasant because of the mosquitoes.
