Sunday, January 11, 2015

The King of "Moles"

I have explained in other posts that a "mole" (pronounced MOH-lay) is a Mexican sauce with its origens in Pre-Hispanic times.  There are many different kinds of "moles"; many are very complex with a large number of ingredients.

Oaxaca is famous for these sauces, and is known as "the Land of the Seven Moles".  The King of the Moles, and my favorite, is "mole negro" (black mole).  The sauce is made with chocolate, several kinds of chile peppers, garlic, peanuts, and numerous spices, and is usually served with chicken or turkey.

Last night Jane and I went to a restaurant in downtown Oaxaca called "La Olla" (The Cooking Pot).  Five years ago I had eaten at "La Olla", and I really liked their "mole negro", so that is what we both ordered.

When I first tasted my "mole", I thought, "This isn't as good as I remember it."  But then, as I continued eating, it seemed that the flavors came out, and that the taste was richer.  Jane thought the same thing.  The more she ate, the more she liked it.  

One "mole" down, six to go.  We will see how many of Oaxaca's "moles" we try during our stay here.

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