Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Gift for Alejandro

Yesterday when I was in the music / video store "Mixup" searching for marimba music, something else caught my eye.  They had complete boxed sets of the first four seasons of "Downton Abbey". 

I must confess that I am a "Downton Abbey" fanatic.  (For anyone who has not heard of the show, it is a British series that appears on PBS Masterpiece Theater in the U.S.  It deals with the lives of an upper class English family and their servants in the first part of the twentieth century.)  I know that it is a melodramatic soap opera... but it is a first rate soap opera with excellent acting and high production values.  In the U.S. the series is always shown during the winter months when I am usually in Mexico.  So every year I have to wait for the new season to come out on Netflix.

I've mentioned to Alejandro the British "telenovela" that I so enjoy.  Even though I have read that the series has appeared in Mexico (probably on one of the cable networks), Alejandro had never heard of it before.  When I saw the boxed sets in "Mixup", I decided that I would buy "Season 1" as a present for Alejandro.  I really wasn't sure if he would like it, but if he didn't, I could always take it home for myself.  Well, I need not have wondered.  Last night when Alejandro came to the apartment after work, we watched the first episode.  He is already hooked!

I'll probably return to Mexico City in April for Alejandro's birthday.  I now know what I will buy him as a birthday present!!


  1. I was asked by Droelma who comments on my blog to tell you that Downtown Abbey is on Sunday night on Canal One which does not require cable. She said she cannot post on your blogposts. You can go to her post on my blog under Toller Cranston to see all she wrote.

    1. The apartment where I am staying has a TV with a DVD player, but there is no connection at all with broadcast TV. So we can watch movies on DVD (the owner has a large collection), but that's all.
      I don't understand why Droelma cannot post on my blog.

  2. I keep meaning to watch it, but have just never gotten around to it. And this despite visiting a number of filming locations here in the UK! You'd think that would inspire me...

    As it is, I'm enjoying Selfridge at the moment, the American who made good in London a century ago. But if I were to recommend a short series, I've just finished watching Walking the Nile. If you see it, it's worth watching. It is what the name suggests. A guy walks the full length of the Nile. He redefines telly travel shows.

    1. Well, you know how we Yanks are suckers for British costume dramas... not to mention that Maggie Smith is a favorite of mine.

      I was looking for the Selfridge series on Netflix, but haven't found it yet. I will also keep an eye out for "Walking the Nile".

      "The Imitation Game" is supposed to premier down here soon. I hope it opens while I am here; both Alejandro and I want to see it.

  3. There's nothing better than finding a gift your loved one loves that is part of something larger that you can keep giving the same thing for a while. My ex desperately wanted a set of Lenox "Holiday" china, so I bought him a starter set for Xmas one year. He totally loved it, so I had several years where I could mindlessly build out the set without having to think too much about what to get him for Xmas, birthday, etc.

    I was kind of sad once he had a complete set, though we've enjoyed eating on them in the winter.

    It would appear you have now found such a gift. Savor it (both of you) while it lasts.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where the "Snowpocalypse" is over, but Monday will bring another 7"-11". Ugh.

    1. Well, I think I have created a monster. Every evening Alejandro wants to see the next episode of "Downtown Abbey". He's become an addict! LOL

      Get out of Boston!!!
