Thursday, March 13, 2014

Winter won't let go

After the brutal winter that we had here in Ohio, everyone was hoping that we would have an early spring.  No such luck!  We had a couple mild days in which the snow melted, but yesterday, winter hit us again with snow and single digit temperatures.


Actually it is not at all unusual for us to have a blast of winter in March, often sometime around St. Patrick's Day.  I still remember the first time I went to Mexico, way back in 1973.  I spent the winter quarter studying at the University of the Americas in Cholula, Mexico.  I was scheduled to fly home on St. Patrick's Day, but I only got as far as Atlanta.  Cleveland was snowed in!  Ever since then, I have always said that we aren't out of the woods until after St. Patrick's Day.  Not too many years ago, the home opener baseball game in Cleveland was cancelled due to snow.  That was in April!  I hope winter doesn't last that long!!
Tomorrow the temperature is supposed to go up to near 50 degrees.  (They say that if you don't like Cleveland weather, just wait a bit.  It will change.)  We are all keeping our fingers crossed that this will be the last that we see of the white stuff. 


  1. I saw snow on Mackinaw island the end of May once on a trip! Everyone else was photographing the Grand Hotel. I, on the other hand, was jumping out of the horse carriage and photographing the snow! Couldn't believe me eyes!

    1. Yes, up there the winters can be very, very long.

  2. Well I didn't mean to type "me eyes", ha.

  3. This is true even here in Monterrey, Mexico. We didn't have that Polar thing here, but it was real cold anyway. Two weeks ago I was thinking that I finally had gotten rid of scarfs, hats, heavy coats, and cold feet. The sun was beautiful and the trees were boasting new branches, green everywhere. But then the temperature went down again and we had downpours and winds. This is crazy! I'm tired of getting out of bed and feeling an ice-cold floor under my feet. No carpet, thank you.

    1. Even though the cold in Mexico is nothing compared to here, it can certainly be quite chilly. I don't know about Monterrey, but in D.F. homes do not have central heating. There have been a number of times when in the evening I wanted to get under a blanket. I do find it amusing, however, in Merida where the locals will be bundled up in heavy coats and scarves when the temperature gets down into the 60s (Fahrenheit).
      Have you ever experienced snow in Monterrey?

    2. The only snowfall in Monterrey occurred in 1967 -- I was just a few months old. But I've seen pictures (search Nevada en Monterrey 1967 on YouTube) and it really was a big one. Some winters we've had a little sleet, some ice on the streets, frost on cars' windshields, and a little, little snow on the trees of Chipinque mountain, but that's all.

  4. Your post could have the word "Cleveland" replaced with "Boston" and it would read exactly the same. Thursday here was the coldest March 13th on record.

    In mid-March of 1997, I closed on my house. On April first, my dad was to come to help me begin the renovations. But we postponed his trip by a couple of days because that day we got THREE FEET of snow. On April first!!!

    It's almost as if someone had said, "Welcome to home ownership. Here's your snow shovel; get to work!" LOL. Fortunately it melted quickly.

    Today it warmed up to the upper 50's. Hopefully that's it for snow.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where on Tuesday we got another couple inches.

    1. Keep your fingers crossed. After a couple days of more seasonable temperatures, tomorrow it's supposed to be below freezing again!
