Sunday, March 30, 2014

Not again!

I apologize for sounding like a broken record, but yesterday it snowed again.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the grocery store, and when I came out of the store there were a few flakes flying.  I went home, put the groceries away and took a nap.  When I woke up an hour later, the ground was covered with several inches of snow.  The temperature was hovering around freezing, so the snow was wet and heavy, clinging to every branch.  It would be considered a pretty "Christmas card" snowfall...  but it's nearly April, and we are all sick of this stuff!!


  1. OMG, it IS beautiful but if I lived up there, I think I would be making plane reservations to get the heck out of there!
    As a gardener, you'll appreciate this. I just found out there is an Orchid growers group here in San Miguel. Growing orchids is a big pastime in Mexico but I never knew anyone around here that did so. I'm so excited to get involved and to go to an Expo in Mexico City in May! Maybe you need to garden inside the house and ignore the snow, if you can!

    1. I have never tried to grow orchids... although I hear that they are not as difficult as I always thought. I do have a lot of house plants inside. This winter I actually got my poinsettias to bloom rather respectably. I have a rubber tree that is getting quite huge. I take it outside each summer, but each year it is more and more difficult.

  2. This winter has been a 'broken record'. It snowed here in Wadsworth also. However by the end of the day, Sunday, it was nearly all gone. And good riddance to it.

    1. I keeping my fingers crossed that this is the last of it... but then I said that the last time it snowed!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
