Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Winter, Winter, Go Away!

Here in Ohio we got more snow yesterday afternoon and again last night.  The temperature this morning is 18 degrees with a wind chill of 6.  It will remain cold today, but tomorrow the temperature will approach 50.  These occasional milder days keep giving us hope that winter is over... but then old man winter keeps coming back refusing to concede defeat.  Will this one be the last snowfall????


  1. Maybe next year you should spend the winter in Mexico and then go back in the April?

    1. Yeah, that is looking very tempting! I plan to go back to Mexico City for Easter. I hope that spring has finally sprung before then!!

  2. I was surprised to hear that several parts of the US had snowfalls the day before yesterday -- we don't have snow here in Monterrey but anyway Winter is refusing to go away too. Fortunately today we have clear skies and the sun is shining... spring is here! The climate change is a reality, so I support Babs and recommend you to spend the winters SOB. Take care. PS What a superb picture!!!!

    1. Thank you, Tino. Today the temperature is around 50 Fahrenheit, so the snow is all gone. But the forecast is predicting a possibility of snow again next week!

  3. I am very, very thankful to have finally been able to do my road trip after all those "ridiculous setbacks." But your post makes me doubly thankful to have escaped, as I imagine that Boston is having similar weather.

    Here in Zacatecas, it's by no means hot, but it's in the low to mid 60's, flowers are blooming, and you can hang out in the open air with no discomfort.

    I'm with Barbara. Spend next winter in Mexico. And I think Alejandro will probably back me up on this one.


    Kim G
    Zacatecas, ZAC
    Where spring has sprung, and everything is fantastic.

    1. I will definitely be in Mexico next winter. It's just a question of how long.
