

Monday, October 5, 2020


(image taken from the web)

I do not wish illness or death upon anyone... not even the odious "Herr Pendejo".  However, I find it very difficult to muster any sympathy for him... not after spending the last eight months downplaying the seriousness of Covid19... saying it's a hoax, saying it's just the sniffles, saying it will just go away by a miracle, ignoring the safety protocols recommended by the CDC, belittling those who wear masks.  Even after his close aid Hope Hicks tested positive and his own preliminary rapid test came out positive, instead of immediately isolating himself, he still went to New Jersey for a fundraiser.  (Gotta go rake in the big bucks from those wealthy donors!) 

So it turns out that he has the virus (surprise! surprise!), and now his wife, numerous people in his inner circle... his press secretary, his campaign manager, the chair of the Republican National Committee... several senators and members of the press corps all are positive. 

One would hope that his illness would be a humbling experience and instill in him the seriousness of this pandemic.  Not so!  He leaves the hospital in an SUV on a political joy ride to go wave to his supporters... much to the horror of some of his medical staff.  The secret service staff that was with him now have to quarantine themselves because narcissistic "Herr Pendejo" needed to get a fix of adulation from his cult.  

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