

Thursday, October 8, 2020


When "Herr Pendejo" went into the hospital with Covid19, at first I was going to refrain from any diatribes against him.  However it wasn't long at all before he returned to his usual "pendejo" mode... from his political joyride to wave at his supporters, to his dangerous and asinine comment that Covid19 is nothing to fear, to his assertion that his infection was a gift from God.

When he returned from the hospital and appeared upon the White House balcony, pundits quickly seized upon his piece of political theater.  They compared that stunt to the way in which Evita Perón, the wife of the Argentinian dictator, would appear on the balcony of the Presidential Palace in Buenos Aires.

(All images taken from the web)

The Lincoln Project is a group of Republicans opposing "Herr Pendejo" who have produced a series of brilliant ads eviscerating the orange stain occupying the White House.  My favorite is the recent video that is a parody of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina", the hit song from the Broadway musical "Evita".  If you haven't seen it yet, you must watch it.  Here is the link to YouTube...




  1. There’s no avoiding the uncomfortable reality that his death would have been a positive thing for almost everyone else left alive.

    1. At this point in time, his death would not do much good. He would be a martyr to his cult following, and they would come up with a thousand and one conspiracy theories that he was killed by the "deep state". Besides it would throw the election into even greater turmoil. The ballots have already been printed. Millions of people have already voted, and millions more are waiting for their mail-in ballot. (Mine should be arriving any day now.) If one of the candidates were dead, it would be an enormous monkey wrench in the whole process. Better that he be rejected at the ballot box big time. Anyway, I want to live to see the "pendejo" in jail!
