Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Intense Chocolate

On one of my long walks I was passing through Condesa, a neighborhood where I always used to stay on my trips to Mexico City.  I passed by a shop that I had not visited in a long time... "Tout Chocolat".

The name may be French, but this shop is a temple to cacao, the plant that has been cultivated in the forests of southeastern Mexico for thousands of years, and which the Maya considered a gift of the gods.

The shop sells hand-made artisanal chocolate treats... bonbons, cookies, cakes and other confections.

The shop also contains a small café.  I decided to take a break, and I ordered a cup of "chocolate intenso" which is 70% cacao.

Hot chocolate in Mexico is generally far superior to anything that you will find in the United States.  But I would dare say that this was the best cup of chocolate that I have tasted even in Mexico!

I will have to remember to make it a habit to stop here whenever I am in Condesa.

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