

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Poinsettia Festival

The poinsettia originated in Mexico where it is known as the "flor de Nochebuena"... the Christmas Eve flower.  The Poinsettia Festival has become an annual event along the Paseo de la Reforma.  

Flower growers from the area have set up stands on either side of the boulevard and have a wide variety of poinsettias for sale.

In addition to poinsettias there are many other houseplants for sale here.

I told the vendor at this stand selling orchids that my orchid plant seems to be very happy and healthy, but it has yet to rebloom.  He sold me some fertilizer which he said will make the plant bloom again.  We'll see.

There were also some stands selling Christmas oriented handicrafts.  A young man was selling these wooden decorations which he makes by hand.  I remember buying a Day of the Dead decoration from him at another event a while ago.  This time I bought the little Nativity scene on the middle shelf.

There is even more going on along Paseo de la Reforma...

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