Sunday, December 22, 2024

Breaking a Record

Regular readers of my blog knew that I post something almost every day... occasionally if I have a backlog of things to write about, I will post twice a day.  It is my habit to get up early and start the day by writing an entry, or publishing something that I had written the night before.

When I began this blog in 2013, it was entitled "Travels of a Retired Teacher". My goal was to keep friends informed of what I was doing when I traveled.  I also viewed it as a travel diary for myself.  I wrote a modest 57 posts that year, however I did not start writing until October. In the following year the number of entries had jumped to 269.  Ironically, it wasn't until 2020, the year of the pandemic, that I published more than one post per day.  Even though I wasn't able to do any traveling that year, I guess I didn't have anything better to do than write on my blog.

I noticed that my entry this morning was #425 for the year.  That beat my previous record of 424 in 2022.  We still have more than a week to go in 2024, and I have quite a few more holiday activities on which to report.  If my schedule permits I may be double-posting a number of times in the remaining days of the year.  It remains to be seen whether or not I will be able to break the record that I have set this year.   

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