Thursday, February 15, 2018

Walking Along the Freeway

Just a short walk from my apartment is the "Viaducto Miguel Alemán", a major crosstown freeway in Mexico City.  It is invariably jammed with traffic.

The freeway follows the course of old rivers, and in the middle is a tunnel which encloses those rivers.  On my last trip I noticed that work had begun to create a pedestrian walkway on top of the water tunnel.  The project is called the "Ecoducto".

"The biggest city deserves big projects."

Along the "Viaducto" to the west of Insurgentes Avenue, the walkway will stretch nearly a mile, and to the east it will stretch a much longer distance.  A portion of the path to the west of Insurgentes is now open, and last Tuesday I checked it out.

The ubiquitous "CDMX" sign stands at the entrance.

The sign is more impressive at night.

On either side of the walkway gardens have been planted.

Vining plants have been planted all along the fences separating the path from the freeway.  I suppose that they will eventually hide the freeway from sight.

Running through the gardens on each side are water channels that are planted with aquatic plants. The object is to filter city wastewater.

Critics of the project say that they provide a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos. 

Among the plantings are a variety of succulents and lavender.

This project could be a lovely, green oasis in the middle of the hubbub of the city.  There are still miles of pathway to be completed.  I have my doubts, and I am going to reserve judgement until I see how well it is maintained.  As a gardener I know how quickly flower bed can be choked with weeds.    

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